We left our beautiful spot in Texarkana this morning and headed for my brother's place in Paragould, AR. We had good weather all the way and saw some pretty wildflowers along I-30. We pulled off the Interstate in Beebe, AR for fuel and quite by accident found the ROAD HOG BBQ place. The people were sooooooo nice and the food was the best BBQ we've had in quite awhile. If you're ever traveling I-30 thru Beebe, take x 31 and look for this place, we had to park the rig across the street at a motel (with permission from the "desk") and cross a busy street but it was worth any effort. They're open Friday 11:00-1:30, then 4:30-7:00 and Saturday 11:00-7:00 , two days isn't a bad work week. The owners are sooooooo nice and added a sample of Road Hog potatoes and their beans to our order. We arrived at my brother and sister-in-law's around 3:30
to find my bro laid sewer and water pipe to our rig. Don't have to run 100 feet of water and sewer hose anymore.